- What is a stakeholder?
- What is stakeholder engagement?
- Why should we carry out stakeholder engagement?
- What is a stakeholder engagement plan?
- What is a stakeholder engagement policy?
- Who are underrepresented stakeholders?
<img src="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_lightgray.svg" width="40px" />
Use the buttons above to create a new stakeholder group or representative ↑ or type straight into the tables below.
Toggle between different views in the Stakeholders table:
- Stakeholder Mapping to list stakeholders and provide an overview of their interest and influence
- Engagement Tracker to add all the details related to each stakeholder, plan next steps and track what has been done
- Key Stakeholders by Group gives you an overview of your engagement divided into sections for each stakeholder group
✷ Created by Laura Matz ✷
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